Random Thought...

Only on such slow Sundays like this, where inspiration is absent and the imagination is unforgiving, I wish I lived in New York and had the luxury to spend my entire day getting lost in The Met...to sit among the ancient Greek and Roman sculptures...to blush with the women of the European Renaissance. But only, on such slow Sundays.

-Christine Constance Alpasan
Sunday Feb. 27, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Elephant (Oil Pastels)

Just picked up my box of oil pastels and started drawing the first things that came to mind.  Elephant and Winterfresh gum.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wishery meets Nightmare

I made this video a couple of months ago.  I wanted to film my creative process and to actually see myself painting.  It's like hearing your own voice, weird.