Random Thought...

Only on such slow Sundays like this, where inspiration is absent and the imagination is unforgiving, I wish I lived in New York and had the luxury to spend my entire day getting lost in The Met...to sit among the ancient Greek and Roman sculptures...to blush with the women of the European Renaissance. But only, on such slow Sundays.

-Christine Constance Alpasan
Sunday Feb. 27, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wolves in the Night (Marker)

 Waking up from a nap knowing that this has been running through your mind.
Better every time.  

Friday, April 15, 2011

Elephant (Oil Pastels)

Just picked up my box of oil pastels and started drawing the first things that came to mind.  Elephant and Winterfresh gum.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wishery meets Nightmare

I made this video a couple of months ago.  I wanted to film my creative process and to actually see myself painting.  It's like hearing your own voice, weird.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Self Portrait (Oil Pastels)---Daily Sketch

Just woke up.

"The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?" 
-Pablo Picasso

Crisis (Marker and Oil Pastel)---Daily Sketch


It's almost 3 in the morning.  Did this quick sketch while watching Bridget Jones' Diary.  I guess this scene surfaced from anxiety I had all day of the violence rapidly unfolding in Libya, the nuclear crisis in Japan, along with Bridget's own anxiety about men and spinsterhood.  Nightmares this early morning?  Most likely.      

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

No Name (Marker)---Daily Sketch

Experimenting again with style in my sketchbook.  This is a person I know,  a friend I guess you can say,  and I've been wanting to draw him just didn't know how to go about it.  So came up with this abstract thing; drawing him without really drawing him, simply highlighting the important things. 

Cupidstein (Graphite)---Daily Sketch

No real conscious reason to why I created this sketch.  I just picked up a stick of graphite and started drawing the eyes and Cupidstein was born (conjunction of "Cupid" and "Frankenstein").

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Honey and I (Ink, Pastel, Watercolor)

Went through a brief phase in 2010 drawing friends.  The pile of those drawings are still in my room and I don't know what to do with them.  The one I drew of my boyfriend is my favorite, not simply because it's of my boyfriend, but because his portrait was one of the last I did thus, showing my much improved skill.

Self Portraits

Black Pen

Black Pen

The Egyptian Man (Chalk Pastel)

In the height of violence in Egypt, when there were accusations flying around the news sources about Mubarak paying off people to start fights in the crowds and people began disappearing, I came across a photograph from The New York Times of a policeman grabbing a protester by the neck of his sweater.  Shortly after, about 3 hours later, I created this.  

Tattoo Sketches

"A lost battalion of platonic conversationalists jumping down the stoops off fire escapes off windowsills off Empire State out of the moon."

I did these 2 sketches for a friend of mine and only did them because she wanted me to translate the words of Allen Ginsberg, from a passage in HOWL, into a tattoo design.  Thought it would be a fun challenge, so I gave it a shot.  Whether or not she uses the designs,  I am happy to have these 2 additions in my sketchbook.

Chalk Pastels

These pictures I produced after seeing the Pablo Picasso exhibit in Seattle.  I was inspired by how Picasso took risks and experimented a lot with his style which then prompted me to.  All of these portraits are of me.


New York/Paris/D.C.

James' Nightmare

Liam's Women

Self Portrait

Friday, March 4, 2011

Parisienne (Black Marker)

I did these 2 quick doodles while stuck on a set of a movie in Paris.  I was taking naps on and off throughout the heat of the afternoon in Elie Semoun's dressing room and only woke up when he, his friend from the South of France, and his makeup artist, Yves, came to spend time with me while I was waiting for my boyfriend.  The boyfriend never came until the next morning.  I guess these 2 sketches some what reflects how fed up I was about Parisians.

Ballet Dancers (B&W Film)

These photographs were taken in one of the dance studios of the Pacific Northwest Ballet.  I absolutely adore these two ballet dancers.  They were fun to shoot, extremely beautiful together, and extremely talented artists. 

The Pyramids (Black Pen)

This is what happens when I don't really have a plan.

Fashion Sketches (Black Pen)